Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Lalit Modi Twitter

Lalit Modi Twitter, Minister of state for external affairs Shashi Tharoor on Tuesday denied that he called up Indian Premier League (IPL) chief Lalit Modi requesting him not to reveal the name of the stakeholders of the consortium that won the franchise of the Kochi team.

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Tharoor, who played the role of a mentor and helped the consortium bag the deal for Rs.1,530 crore, said in a statement that he had called up Modi to ask why he was further delaying the approval of the franchise when all the legal requirements had been fulfilled.

“Modi had held up approval by the IPL of the franchisee agreement earlier in the day by insisting on the reversal of a change in the document that he himself had earlier suggested. This change was made, the consortium members flew to Bangalore and met with Modi after that night’s IPL game for what they had been told would be a routine exercise.

“Instead they were submitted to a barrage of questions which led some to suspect that Modi wasLalit Modi Twitter

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